Neural Network Processor (NNP®)

AAC has developed a Neural Network Processor (NNP®) capable of multiprocessor operations. Each NNP system is capable of implementing 8k neurons with 32k interconnections per processor. The computational capability of a single processor is 140M interconections per second (35mhz). An 8 processor NNP is capable of over one billion connections per second. The NNP architecture is extremely flexible and any neuron is capable of interconnecting with any other neuron in the system. The NNP is implemented for either VME or IBM compatible cards. The NNP supports two I/O busses, one for interprocessor communication and the other for mapping NNP memory into the memory map of a supporting digital signal processor chip. Each processor is controlled by a RISC-like instruction set. NNP software development is supported by a NNP Module Simulator, an Assembler, a Neural Network Compiler, and the AAC Neural Network Toolbox.

Robert Pap
